Board of Regents
Since 1914, the Georgetown University Board of Regents has provided service, leadership and philanthropy to support the university and its mission. Over the years, as the university has grown, these valued advisors have offered counsel to Georgetown’s academic and administrative leadership, helped to extend the university’s national and global profile through their advocacy, and aided in building groundbreaking programs and initiatives through their significant financial support.
About the Board
The Board of Regents of Georgetown University serves as its “senior ambassador corps.” As representatives of the university, they provide intimate connections to other potential Georgetown supporters through their personal and professional associations. Regents seek to advance the reputation of the university using their personal knowledge and relationships in their own regions and localities. They disperse information about the university and build on new and existing relationships to galvanize support for Georgetown. Regents are respected, successful and resourceful alumni who are part of diverse leadership networks.
Appointment as a Regent is a highly exclusive privilege and subject to approval of the president of the university. The position of Regent is honorary.
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Board Operations
Role of the Board and Responsibilities of Members
The Board of Regents of Georgetown University is the university-wide advisory board whose members serve as Georgetown’s most senior ambassadors. The Regents provide counsel to the president and administration and provide leadership in philanthropic support to Georgetown. As representatives of the university, Regents seek to advance Georgetown’s reputation. Members provide connections to potential Georgetown supporters through their personal and professional associations. They educate others about the university and build on new and existing relationships to galvanize support for Georgetown.
As one of three university-wide boards, the Board of Regents interacts with the Board of Directors, the university’s governing board, and the alumni association’s Board of Governors. The three board chairs regularly interact to facilitate communication and collaboration among the advisory bodies. The chair of the Board of Regents and the president of the alumni association also serve as ex officio members of the Board of Directors and provide regular reports to the directors in that capacity.
Through active participation on 1-2 of the board’s committees, Regents provide advice and counsel to the administration and the president. The chairs of the aforementioned committees also serve on the Executive Committee.
Becoming a Regent
Board of Regents members are nominated by current Regents or members of the Board of Directors, subject to the approval of the president of the university. Nominations are based on past dedication to Georgetown, interest in making a considerable investment in time and talent to ensure Georgetown’s legacy of creating conscientious leaders and willingness to fulfill the role and responsibilities of membership described here.
Additional points for consideration may include:
- Active ties to Georgetown, whether as an alumnus, alumna, parent or friend of the university.
- Record of committed volunteer service and financial support to Georgetown. (Regents are expected to contribute a significant multi year campaign gift).
- Strong corporate, foundation and/or community ties and connections.
- Demonstrated leadership in the activities and organizations.
- Diversity in geography, gender, career, ethnicity and age.
The Nominating Committee of the Board of Regents manages the Regent nominations process. To submit Board of Regents nominations, please email the Board Engagement Team, at